7 Way to Approve a Comment on Your Facebook Post if It’s Marked as Spam

Approve a Comment on Your Facebook Post
7 Way to Approve a Comment on Your Facebook Post if It's Marked as Spam

How to Approve a Comment on Your Facebook Post if It’s Marked as Spam. Facebook’s automated systems are designed to keep your posts and comments free from spam. But sometimes, legitimate comments can mistakenly get flagged as spam.

If this happens, you might miss out on valuable interactions or important feedback from your friends or followers.

Fortunately, there’s a way to review and approve comments that have been incorrectly marked as spam.

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How to Approve a Comment on Your Facebook Post if It’s Marked as Spam

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to approve a comment on your Facebook post if it’s marked as spam.

1. Understand Why Comments Get Marked as Spam

Before diving into how to approve a comment, it’s useful to understand why Facebook might mark a comment as spam. Common reasons include:

  • The comment contains links that Facebook deems suspicious.
  • The comment is repetitive or like other comments that have been flagged.
  • The user who posted the comment has a history of being flagged for spam.
  • The comment contains certain keywords or phrases that trigger Facebook’s spam filters.

Knowing these reasons can help you better manage comments on your posts and prevent legitimate ones from being marked as spam in the future.

Approve a Comment on Your Facebook

Source – Approve a Comment on Your Facebook

2. Check Your Notifications

When a comment is marked as spam on your post, Facebook usually sends you a notification. Here’s how to find it when Approve a Comment on Your Facebook.

  • Open your Facebook app or go to the Facebook website on your browser.
  • Click on the bell icon at the top to view your notifications.
  • Look for a notification that says a comment on your post has been marked as spam.

If you missed the notification or didn’t receive one, don’t worry—you can still find and review the comment.

3. Find the Comment in the Spam Folder

Facebook doesn’t delete spam-marked comments right away. Instead, it places them in a “Spam” folder where you can review them. Here’s how to find it:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and navigate to the post in question.
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the post.
  • Look for an option that says “Manage Comments” or “Review Comments” (this might vary slightly depending on your device).
  • You’ll see a list of comments, including those marked as spam.

4. Review and Approve the Comment

Once you’ve found the comment marked as spam, you can review it and decide whether it should be approved. Here’s how to do it:

  • Click on the spam-marked comment to view it in detail.
  • If you’re sure the comment is legitimate and should be visible on your post, look for the “Approve” or “Not Spam” button.
  • Click on this button to approve the comment, which will then be moved back to the main comment thread on your post.

5. Engage with the Approved Comment

Once the comment is approved, it will appear on your post just like any other comment. Take a moment to engage with the commenter to let them know you’ve seen and appreciated their input:

  • Like or React to the comment to show acknowledgment.
  • Reply to the comment with a friendly message or response to keep the conversation going.

6. Adjust Your Spam Filter Sensitivity

If you find that too many legitimate comments are being flagged as spam, you might want to adjust your spam filter settings. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t offer direct controls for individual users to tweak these settings extensively, but here’s what you can do:

  • Regularly Watch Your Comments: Keep an eye on your posts and review any comments that are flagged as spam.
  • Report False Positives: If you consistently find legitimate comments being marked as spam, report this issue to Facebook through the Help & Support section. Facebook uses user feedback to improve its algorithms.
  • Encourage Commenters to Avoid Triggers: Politely let your friends or followers know to avoid using certain words or excessive links in their comments, as these can sometimes trigger spam filters.

7. Prevent Future Spam Flags

To reduce the chances of legitimate comments being marked as spam, here are some tips:

  • Moderate Links: Be cautious with comments that contain many links, as these are more likely to be flagged.
  • Watch for Repetitive Comments: If a friend or follower posts the same comment many times, encourage them to edit the original instead of reposting.
  • Educate Your Audience: Let your audience know how to avoid common triggers that can lead to their comments being marked as spam.


Approving a comment on your Facebook post that has been mistakenly marked as spam is a simple process. However, it’s important to act quickly to ensure that valuable interactions aren’t lost.

By regularly reviewing and managing your comments, you can maintain a healthy and engaging conversation on your posts.

Remember, if you encounter repeated issues with legitimate comments being flagged. Then consider reporting this to Facebook so they can continue improving their spam detection systems.

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